
All good things…

Posted on: 15 Oct 2018

So I decided that since I have a website, I might as well use it. I don’t know what to do with it and I inherited the domain Outlaw-Inc; that site outlived it’s usefulness years ago. I love making websites, I’m an amateur and not amazingly graphically gifted, so a lot of my sites are […]


A purpose in life

Posted on: 24 Feb 2018

This website used to have a purpose. It was stupid, and childish, but it was a purpose. now it’s just a show about nothing. I don’t remember the dates, it’s kind of hard to because it was so long ago, but it started in the early 2000’s with a nerd in high school who loved […]


The Truth Is Out There….

Posted on: 24 Feb 2009

So, I have a co-worker who works with me that is a little, Shall we say… Eccentric; Ok, Maybe that’s not the exact wording that I’d go with, let’s try: Crazy, Insane, weirdo, bonkers, wonky… take your pick. Basically she can be summed up in one sentence. The Government was behind 9-11. Now, that’s cool […]


Vote? Why Bother!

Posted on: 06 Oct 2008

So I’ve been asking some of my friends and co-workers who they’ll vote for in the coming election on October 14th and I’ve honestly been surprised. A lot of people my age really don’t care to vote. My roommate says that he doesn’t care, cause no matter who’s elected they’ll be a douche and he […]


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