

Posted on: 19 Aug 2019

Mallory Mellor, a.k.a, Retrocausality, sat on the edge of the hospital roof. Not to far away the lights on the empty helicopter landing pad blinked away. It was quiet, well – except for the howl of the wind, but even that felt peaceful at the moment. He watched as the people of Paragon City went […]


A purpose in life

Posted on: 24 Feb 2018

This website used to have a purpose. It was stupid, and childish, but it was a purpose. now it’s just a show about nothing. I don’t remember the dates, it’s kind of hard to because it was so long ago, but it started in the early 2000’s with a nerd in high school who loved […]


The Truth Is Out There….

Posted on: 24 Feb 2009

So, I have a co-worker who works with me that is a little, Shall we say… Eccentric; Ok, Maybe that’s not the exact wording that I’d go with, let’s try: Crazy, Insane, weirdo, bonkers, wonky… take your pick. Basically she can be summed up in one sentence. The Government was behind 9-11. Now, that’s cool […]


Vote? Why Bother!

Posted on: 06 Oct 2008

So I’ve been asking some of my friends and co-workers who they’ll vote for in the coming election on October 14th and I’ve honestly been surprised. A lot of people my age really don’t care to vote. My roommate says that he doesn’t care, cause no matter who’s elected they’ll be a douche and he […]


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